The book of the day is: Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman

This morning, Dianne de Las Casas, the founder of the Picture Book Month initiative asked people to submit their favorite picture books about birds. She gave Owl Moon by Jane Yolen as an example.
I immediately thought of Are You My Mother? This story still resonates with me so many years later. The young bird's journey to find his mother is filled with gentle humor and engaging illustrations. I always loved the "Snort," but I am not sure I knew why. It wasn't until I became a parent that I came to appreciate the subtle messages in this book, especially the fact that the big unfamiliar machine is the hero of the day. I hear a "don't judge a book by it's cover" type message here. In the end though, it is all about what Theodor Seuss Geisel set out to do with his "I Can Read It" collection that is important. Create a library of books brimming with creativity and imagination that engage young readers. He succeeded and this contribution by Eastman falls easily into this criteria.
You can read along yourself by following the themes on the Picture Book Month Calendar!
Happy Picture Book Month!
Great choice. There is a bird in the book and he's adorable. :)