The excitement in the upper grades at my school is pretty crazy right now, and
it is not coming from the students. It's coming from the teachers. The students' excitement? That will begin tomorrow,
when I share with them that something great and unexpected is coming our
way. If all goes well, the amazing and truly wonderful Sharon Creech will
be visiting our school later this month. We, as a school, have always been Creech readers, but the Skype visit with Sharon elevated her to rock star status. (
See the post One Tuesday Morning to read about the Skype visit.)
In preparation for the visit, the three fifth grade classrooms are reading her latest book, The Great Unexpected.

The Great Unexpected is ...wonderful! Lizzie would say, "Lar de dar!" To see how much I love this book, check out my Great Unexpected Blog Post.
The Great Unexpected just hit bookstores today, so go out and buy a copy. Now.

How is this for awesome? One of these teachers walked up to me today, quoting the book and telling me how much she loved it! We were like our students - quoting and sharing our favorite parts. The reader/story magic is not just for students...
What a way to begin a new school year! I am, honestly, feeling like one very, very, lucky librarian...for something great and unexpected is coming my way...Welcome Sharon Creech! May I introduce your readers...
Lar-de-dar! I'm excited! xx