It's time to...

My school week ended on the best note ever. Well, that's a slight exaggeration, but it ended in the way I needed and the best way it could have, in laughter with people I love.
This week was a bit hard. A movie was in order, a good movie, a funny movie. The mail had brought the latest Netflix discs. (A brief digression: I have just reclaimed the Netflix Queue and put some of my movies at the top - #perksofbeinganemptynester.)
One of the films that arrived was an old favorite, Bringing Up Baby with Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant. A wonderful slapstick romp with a verbal repartee that is unmatched in modern films.
Popped it in the blue ray player and laughed heartily we did.
Today I celebrate sitting next to my 21-year-old daughter as she laughed and enjoyed this movie.
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