"I have always imagined that Paradise will be some kind of library." ~ Jorge Luis Borges

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Lily tells her story

One of the kindergarten students nonchalantly handed this to me as she filed into the library before class.  Taking a cue from her, I simply said thank you and didn't make a big deal.  While the students were getting settled, I read Lily by Lily.  I looked up and sought out her face, our eyes met.  Hers were twinkling with joy.  I tried to convey how much I liked her book.  I planned to talk with her during browsing, but missed my opportunity.  So here is what I want to say to her:

Dear Lily,
Thank you for sharing your story with me.  I love it.  It is wonderfully illustrated. I too like candy and cats, and enjoy electronics.  I especially love books and am glad you do as well.
Your reader,
Mrs. Reed


  1. You really get kids! How wonderful she wanted to share her book with you!

  2. Thanks for sharing this. Lily LOVED seeing her work on the internet. Huge smiles!!!!!

