"I have always imagined that Paradise will be some kind of library." ~ Jorge Luis Borges

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The students take to Padlet as a tool for communication

continues to be a real celebration.
The students are learning how to use different tools to express their opinions. They are practicing framing their thoughts and producing a message, which shows that they understand good digital citizenship and what it means to participate in and contribute to an online conversation.

Picture Book Month seemed like a fitting opportunity to revisit and practice using Padlet. There was a slight misunderstanding regarding which Padlet Wall to use, so most students contributed to the wall for "picture books" as opposed to choosing the wall that related to their Picture Book Month challenge. In the end, the students were excited to contribute their thoughts and ideas, which is what this is all about.

Have your students been reading Picture Books this month?  Have them add to this wall.

If your students are reading biographies, 

If story picture books are their gig, 

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