I wish I been in Seattle when the actual ALA Youth Media Awards were being announced, but I can tell you that sitting at a table listening to the live stream was a really great place to be. The cheers, ballyhoos, and audible gasps created a contagious air of excitement.

You know you have hooked students, when, as you greet them at the door of the library they are asking, "Who won the Caldecott? Which book did we choose?"
I am not going to talk about the actual Caldecott Medal and Honor books, but I am going to share my first grade students' Mock Caldecott comments and reactions.
Mock Caldecott results
Caldecott Medal:
Chloe and the Lion
"It is funny friendship, good imagination and awesome."
"It is funny and they start and stop the story and have a fight."
Caldecott Honors:
Extra Yarn
"I like Extra Yarn because my eyes were always locked at the yarn."
"I like Extra Yarn because of the pattern."
Nighttime Ninja
"I like Nighttime Ninja because of the awesome collage work."
I Have Dream
"I like the paintings."
"The pictures explain the story."
"I like the cut outs."
"It teachers about the different types of green."
We looked over the votes and reflected on the process. Then, with great dramatic effect, I shared the actual Caldecott Honors and built my way up to the Medal winner. The students bright-eyed excitement built and as I announced Green and Extra Yarn, huge cheers erupted.
We read This is Not My Hat and talked about why the committee chose the book. Our next job is to read what the committee members had to say about each book. While we wait for that, check out what my students had to say when asked why they gave their number one book a number one:
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