Way back in February, my kindergarten students and I read We Are Growing as part of an exploration of the Early Reader Neighborhood, to learn about the Geisel Award, and celebrate this year's medal-winning book. I adore this book.
Laurie Keller gives these blades of grass (and one interloper) such wonderful personalities and puts them in a story whose message is wonderfully engaging.
The Geisel Committee explains the book best: "With an endorsement from Elephant and Piggie, early readers will delight in following the hilarious and zany growth spurts of seven blades of grass. As the green blades talk (and posture) about their unique identities, they are interrupted by a menacing purple lawnmower.Expressive facial features distinguish each blade and add to character development in a fresh way. The use of onomatopoeia, word play, speech bubbles, and creative manipulation of font size combine to offer beginning readers an engaging experience."
Although the situation might differ (we won't be mowed down like blades of grass), the messages are important and universal. As with Walt, we are on a quest to discover who we are and what role we will play in this life.

You'll have to read the book to find out about Walt. In the meantime, inspired by this funny and thoughtful story, my students created their own unique blades of grass:

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