
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Show and Tell: The fourth grade biography project

The fourth grade biography projects are all complete. These students have been practicing how to both show and tell what they have learned by using technology tools to convey their knowledge. You can read about the project and see their progress in this post and those linked within it. 

Each project includes the following information about their subject: an important fact; images; a Haiku; a Wordle with personality traits; and, a Tagxedo showing the beverage that describes the person. They would love your feedback! If you watch any of these videos, please leave a comment on this form.
Ms. Page's Class

Ms. McManama's Class

Ms. Hyder's Class

Want to share a comment with the students? You can leave a comment on this form or in the blog's comment section below.


  1. Hey, these were fun to check out. Great job, kids + Ms. Reed!

  2. What a great project! Kudos to Mrs. Reed and the 4th graders!

    1. Thank you, Courtney! It's all about the students!

  3. WOW! Awesome projects! I enjoyed watching them. My students recently finished a biography project. You have inspired me to use Animoto as a presentation tool for this project next school year.
