
Monday, May 21, 2018

Wherein Matt Tavares Visits and Makes a Great Impression

The wonderful author and illustrator Matt Tavares visited our school to meet with kindergarten and first graders.

It was another fabulous visit by Matt. Both the kindergarten and first grade students were engaged and excited to learn from Matt. Have a look and a listen:

Following Matt's visit, the first graders had their regularly scheduled library classes. It was a perfect time to reflect on the visit, hear what the students remembered, and understand what they learned. 
The time Matt spent sketching made a big impact on the students. He was clear and encouraging as he sketched and talked through the process, imparting strategies like: start with light lines; think about shapes; start with loose lines; add details at the end; make your picture have dimension by adding smaller things in the background.
Students really got into creating sketches and enlisted friends to strike a pose.

Along with sharing in our circle conversations, students also shared what they learned on papers at the tables.

Thank you for a making a great impression, Matt!


  1. Looks like another great author visit! Any tips on how you find authors to come visit? Do most of them charge? Thanks!

    1. Our PTO brings in many through our Creative Art and Sciences Committee.
