
Monday, September 7, 2015

The Library is Ready

to welcome students tomorrow morning. 

 Let the new school year begin!


  1. Love seeing your new signs. Wondering...I couldn't quite tell from the signs do you classify by genre or still use broad areas like fiction, nonfiction. Some of my co-workers broke their libraries into genre sections. Also I am beginning a Maker Space also. Still struggling with how I am going to implement it into my program. What are your plans? What types of items did you include in your Maker area?

    1. Hi Tonya,

      I still have broad genre areas and then within the fiction neighborhood, the books have specific genre labels in addition to the call number spine labels.

      With the maker space, I am going to begin with legos (not in photos because I don't quite know where I will store them) and then have a shelf of art supplies and a shelf of other small manipulatives like legos. I will also have the 3D printer supplies here as well.

      It's a work in progress and I would love to hear your ideas as well!

  2. Looks fantastic! I too would love to know about your signage. Like font size and what did you print them on, if you did them yourself, etc. Thanks so much.

    1. A parent designed the signs for me, for which I am very thankful! I explained what I wanted and the overall size of the sign and she went from there. The letters are about 5.5 inches tall. She sent them as PDfs so I don't know the font size, but I would guess about 150? I had the hanging ones (18x24) printed on foam core with added grommets. The smaller ones (11x17) are printed on card stock.

  3. I want to visit there! I kept pausing to try to write down book titles! Looks so inviting!
