
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Celebrate: Gardens

Discover. Play. Build.
My Saturday Celebration post has been interrupted to bring you these photographs. I'll finish my other post later, but these pictures are my true Celebration. This day was filled with such beauty. Blue skies. White clouds. Green Mountains. I spent the afternoon at my parents' house in the mountains getting it ready for their arrival next week.  Amidst the tasks and trips in and out and up and down, I continued to be called outside to look at the gardens. 
My mother does not think she is a gardener, but she is, and the gardens are a testament to that. Even in her absence this spring, the gardens have put on their best show. We've missed the lilacs, rhododendrons, and irises, but from the spent blossoms, I can tell that they were involved in the act (of blooming, that is).  The gardens need my mother to arrive soon. There is plenty of weeding and pruning ahead, but the garden is a garden after all and doing what it does best: growing.  These blossoms are such a celebration of life, how could I not go out and enjoy them?

1 comment:

  1. Love the penstemon, especially, but they are all gorgeous. Hope you find some extra time gardening with your mom!
