
Friday, May 30, 2014

Let's talk about A Snicker of Magic

I read A Snicker of Magic, by Natalie Lloyd, earlier this spring.  It's one of those books that I can't wait for my students to start reading so we can discuss it. It is now circulating and the conversations are beginning. Hooray! Here is one student's celebration of the book:

She created this Wordle:

She created this Animoto:


  1. Thank you for this post. I enjoyed watching your Animoto. I liked the wordle the most. It was a great idea to make the wordle part of your Animoto. I have never created an Animoto myself, but you have inspired me to give it a try. Thanks again.
    A Friendly Librarian in Denver, CO

    1. You should! Both are fun and quick to learn.

  2. This is an excellent way for students to show understanding about what they read, and a great way to promote the books in the library. This is on my "must-do" list for the upcoming school year.

    1. Thank you! I love these student-driven experiences and creations.

  3. I loved this book! All of the words were so fun and the description was great. Love, love, love!
