
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Slice of Life: Feeling a bit bitter

This is not a nice thing to admit, I realize, but what is a Slice of Life post, if not honest?

I am feeling bitter because I came home from work today to be greeted by my college-age daughter thusly, "I re-read The Book Thief today. It was so good!  I can't wait to see the movie now. I know I will cry."

My daughter is home on break.  In fact, both my college-age children are home on break.  This means returning to a house that has been heavily lived in during my eight hour absence.  They generally do their dishes and are pretty good about cleaning up, but there are still signs: a squinched pillow where someone lay reading on the couch; unfolded blankets that warmed bodies in our cool house; pans, drying in the dish rack, that held freshly scrambled eggs; and, jackets, from outings, over every chair.

I was ready to return to work this week and have had a wonderful two days, but there is this little part of me that is a bit bitter that my two children are carrying on in the same vein of our vacation.  I would love to sit down and reread The Book Thief!

I'm really only a bit bitter though, because I have had two really fun days back at work and I missed that part of my life.  Besides, if every day was like vacation, would I still appreciate it?


Every Tuesday, Stacey hosts Slice of Life at the blog, Two Writing Teachers. If you want to participate, you can link up at the Slice of Life Story Post or you can just head on over there to check out other people's stories. For more information on what a Slice of Life post is about, go here.


  1. I'm sure if your daughter is working as hard as mine does while she is in school, she deserves a little down time. It's hard not to be bitter, but as you said, you love your job. I hope you find ways to spend time with your kids and enjoy them before they have to leave. Take them out to dinner and let someone else do the dishes.

    1. Hi Margaret! Yes, she does deserve that time. I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek and do so appreciate their presence, in all its forms!

  2. My daughter who is also in college was out this week too. I think she was dreaming of the life your kids were having but we have had three snow days! Kinda of ruined her party! :)

    1. Oh dear! I bet. Nothing like having the home front to oneself for a bit!

  3. You just described my house, since two of my kids are home from college for winter break, too. Our house is more than just lived in looking, though...sigh. But, how wonderful to come home to a conversation about books!

    1. There was a day that I returned to breakfast dishes on the coffee table. :)

  4. I'm glad you were back at work yesterday when you hosted the awesome Skype visit with Jarrett Krocoszka!! That totally made my week! And you were fabulous! We are all so jealous that you can't be our school librarian!!! Every single mom in that room with the exception of the moms who are at your school who fully realize their great good fortune (but nevertheless do not offer to share! :))
