
Thursday, December 19, 2013

I want to be an astronaut when I grow up....because I like to travel


Another incredible collaboration fell into my lap this week.  A first grade teacher wanted a way to connect a Jan Brett author/illustrator study and a Lucy Calkins Persuasive Writing unit. 

She brought this idea to me: "Why not have the students use Hedgie blasts off as a model for what they want to be and connect it with Lucy Calkins by having them explain why they want to be that idea/profession/person when they grow up?"

"Perfect!" I responded. "Let's use Kid Pix.  They can draw themselves showing what they want to be and then record themselves talking about the slide."

Demonstration of understanding the task, expressing an idea, and practicing public speaking. This is good stuff. 

I wonder how many will still want to be an astronaut, teacher, veterinarian, art teacher, doctor, scientist, or lawyer when they grow up? 


  1. Jennifer, I attended your session at AASL on giving rise to student voices and so I've been implementing some of the tools--thank you! On these Kid Pix samples above, is the voice added using VoiceThread or is this available through a version of Kid Pix that you purchased? I just wanted to see what tools were involved in doing this particular project.

    1. Hi Tami,

      We can record in our version. Which version do you have? I believe you can record in any version 3x and beyond.

    2. Also, so glad you are having fun implementing some of the tools. Please share your projects. I'm always eager to learn.
