
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Celebrations: the one where vacation begins on a high note

Discover. Play. Build.

This was a beautiful work at week. I am heading into vacation energized by my students. Not only did I have students in the library learning, creating and making during traditional classes but I also had classrooms in for collaborative projects. 

The crème de la crème
Friday was pajama day, for the entire school. 
This was the first time we have had a school-wide pajama day.  I see fifth graders and second graders on Fridays. The fifth graders are working on book trailers for the Mock Caldecott books. I did not want to lose this day as part of the project, even though it is the Friday before vacation, so I decided to wear regular clothes for the morning to help the students understand that we would still be working hard (she questions her own thinking here...).  

Prior to coming to the library for classes, I hosted all three classes in the library for a presentation by Jim Parks from Wingmasters.  I looked around at a the engaged, respectful audience of pajama clad students (and teachers).  I quickly ran to the bathroom and changed into my pajamas (which I had brought for the afternoon of second graders).  I am so glad I did. I loved being part off a community of pajama wearing learners.

The fifth graders worked just as hard as if I had stayed in work clothes. (Now, as to my own work ethic, it was a little less than normal -- shluffing around the school in monkey slippers, snowman bottoms and an Elephant & Piggie shirt was just way too much fun!)  I had the best day teaching in pajamas, which is why it is my Saturday Celebration (a meme started by Ruth Ayres, over at Ruth Ayres Writes.)
Discover. Play. Build.


  1. I like when the students are engaged all the way until the break starts. Enjoy the break - maybe one day even in PJ-s, just for the fun of it.

  2. You must have done something extra special (or maybe it is just you) to keep your students so engaged the day before break! Perhaps creative projects are the idea. I am a little envious; you got to wear pajamas at school!

    1. Pajama Day was so much fun. I hope we get to have one next year!

  3. My favorite part of the story is when you did the quick change into your PJs! So glad you went with the crowd, rather than your work ethic!! (Sometimes, we just gotta go with the flow, eh?)
