
Monday, April 23, 2012

"We're all poets when we're little."

...or so I've heard...from one of my favorite poets, Naomi Shihab Nye.

I am not sure she would agree were she to read some of my early poetry! 

Seriously though, her hope is that today's children will take these words to heart and continue to be poets all their lives.  

Listen to these wonderful and inspiring words from Shihab Nye and hear her read this incredible poem of things her son told her: One Boy Told Me


The Children's Poet Laureate, J. Patrick Lewis, recommends...

...Knock at a Star: A Child's Introduction to Poetry 

You can check out this and other month's recommendations at the Poetry Foundation Website.

I love this poetry resource and can spend many an hour lost in it's virtual stacks. 

Here are some of my favorite videos of poems:

William Wadsworth
Read by Dave Matthews

Claude McKay
The Tropics in New York
Read by Ziggy Marley

Robert Frost
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Emily Dickinson
I Started Early
Read by Blair Brown

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I believe absolutely that all children are poets. Love this post.
