
Saturday, January 21, 2012

And the winner is...


Here's how it played out:

we go strictly by amount of number one votes each book received, the order is as such:

Grandpa Green
I Want My Hat Back

If we order the books by the total points for all the votes garnered, the order is as such:

Grandpa Green
I Want My Hat Back

I followed the Caldecott voting method and awarded four points for each first place vote, three points for each second place vote and two points for each third place vote.

As you can see, I would need to have the students vote again until one book received 50% of the first place votes to follow the Caldecott rules, but I am liking these results and look forward to talking with the students about them.

A few notes regarding the process and the votes.

** I could not get my hands on Me....Jane this week.  I think if I had read this to the students it would have landed safely in their top four.

** My Principal read Blackout to one of the classes, which may have skewed the results.  (Note: dry sense of humor required -- any book my Principal reads becomes a hit.)

** I think it is really interesting how many second and third place votes Red Sled received.  The students loved this book and were quiet raucous during the reading.  I think they showed their appreciation for it by giving it seconds and thirds, indicating to me that they would want it to be considered for a Caldecott Honor. 

Teaching is always a learning process (hey, maybe that's the next post!).  Based upon what I learned, here's my plan for next year:

I plan to start this much earlier.
I plan to involve the whole school.  

Two very doable steps! 

One thought I have is to create a non-lending "Mock Caldecott" shelf and hold several voting days.

December 3-13: Students read books
December 14: Students will vote for their top five books

Based upon the voting, the "Mock Caldecott" shelf will be culled down to 20 books.

December 17-20: Students reread/revisit books.
December 21st: Students vote for top five books

Based upon the vote, "Mock Caldecott" shelf will be culled down to ten books.

Janurary 2-10th: The students reread/revisit books.
January 11th: Students vote for top three books.

Based upon the voting, the "Mock Caldecott" shelf will be culled down to five books.

January 18th: Students vote for top three books.

This is about as specific as I have gotten.  I'd love to hear your ideas! 

Anyone want to collaborate?  We've got almost 10 months to plan!

Looking forward to Monday!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I am excited to share the official Caldecott results with them.

  2. Love this! I definitely want to collaborate next year. Voicethread speeches? Skype? Blogs? Let's do it! I could talk about Caldecott all year.

    1. Yes! I love these ideas. We could begin with VoiceThread speeches and then Skype about them. The blogs can be running commentaries on the process.
