
Friday, May 6, 2011

Lost and Found......finding poetic inspiration in the most unlikely places....

Walking up from the teachers' parking lot, I was greeted with the lovely (and very colorful I might add) site of all the winter's lost and found items hanging on a clothesline from the tree in front of the school.  I immediately decided that I had found a wonderful source of poetic inspiration for the second grade students I was seeing that afternoon.  It was spring and what was blooming from our tree, but hats and mitten and other winter gear!

I showed the students a BrainPOPjr movie on poems and then we headed out with clipboards, paper and pencils in hand.  Twenty minutes later, we had some eager poets ready to share their poems.  It was so refreshing  to take the library "outside" (no pun intended).  I also loved seeing all the students sitting on the curb writing their poems and then being an audience for each other.

Some photos below and a VoiceThread slideshow.You can click on the photos to enlarge them.

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