This was my first American Library Association Midwinter Conference and it was like a dream.
I loved being part of discussions, at the national level, regarding school library programs. I feel empowered and inspired to continue the advocacy and legislative work of MSLA, our state board, as well as expand outreach efforts and build membership.
I enjoyed the conversations with the publishers and editors. I was able to hear background information on books as well as have questions about certain books answered.
I talked books (a lot) with bookish people. Enough said.
Then there was the completely out-of-this-world experience of being in the room during the American Library Association Youth Media Awards announcements.
Here there be phone calls made - very early in the morning.
The ballroom!
Barbara Stripling kicking off the event.
Laura and me waiting for the event to begin.
Our reaction to Flora and the Flamingo
Our reaction to Flora and Ulysses