
Thursday, August 17, 2017

Books to Begin the School Year

Like all teachers, I spend my summer reading and choosing books to help start conversations that will set the tone for the school year. I still have three more weeks to firm up this year's choices, phew!

Below are links to the blog posts for books that inspired deep thinking and incredible conversations and got our school year off in the right direction. In each post you'll find examples of the thinking and conversations they inspired.

Hopes and Dreams
These books are not only fabulous read alouds, they also provided an opportunity to think about and talk about what students looked forward to learning and doing in the school year.
A Voyage in the Clouds

Rules and Routines
Also fun and fabulous read alouds, but with the thinking and conversations moving toward how the students perceived themselves as learners and classmates and how they wanted others to perceive them. This led to thinking about the rules that would guide our interactions with each other and routines that would help ensure a safe and productive learning space for all.